
You can start setting up your Trezor device by visiting, installing Trezor Bridge, connecting your device, and following the on-screen instructions for setup.

To set up the Trezor Suite app, follow these steps:

Installing Trezor Suite

  1. Access the Website: Visit on your web browser.

  2. Choose Your Device: Select your Trezor device model (e.g., Trezor One, Trezor Model T).

  3. Download Trezor Suite: Click on the link to download the Trezor Suite app compatible with your operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux).

  4. Install the App: Open the downloaded file and follow the installation instructions. Once installed, launch Trezor Suite.

Setting Up Your Trezor Device

  1. Connect Your Device: Use the USB cable to connect your Trezor device to your computer.

  2. Initialize Your Trezor: If it's your first time using the device, you'll need to initialize it. Follow the on-screen instructions on Trezor Suite to set up a new wallet.

  3. Create a New Wallet: Trezor Suite will guide you through creating a new wallet. Set a strong passphrase and back up your recovery seed (24-word phrase) securely.

Using Trezor Suite

  1. Navigating the Interface: Explore Trezor Suite's dashboard, which shows your wallet balance, transaction history, and options to send and receive cryptocurrencies.

  2. Managing Assets: Add and manage different cryptocurrencies supported by your Trezor device. Trezor Suite allows you to view and manage multiple wallets within the app.

  3. Security Features: Take advantage of Trezor's security features, such as passphrase encryption, to enhance the security of your wallet.

  4. Firmware Updates: Periodically check for firmware updates through Trezor Suite to ensure your device has the latest security patches and features.

  5. Support and Help: Access the support section within Trezor Suite for troubleshooting, FAQs, and contact options if you encounter any issues.


By following these steps, you can set up and start using your Trezor device with the Trezor Suite app efficiently. Remember to keep your recovery seed safe and avoid sharing it with anyone to protect your cryptocurrencies from unauthorized access.

Last updated